Saturday, May 28, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
COHSE - Join The Resistance March - Nottingham 4th February 1988
COHSE - Join The Resistance Banner - Nottingham Thursday 4th February 1988
1,000 strong march in freezing weather from Forest Recreation Site to Market Square
photo Martin Jenkinson (Click picture to enlarge)
Clinical Grading,
COHSE Officers 1985
Garry Shaw (COHSE Charge Nurse Winwick Hospital ex Miner)
Brendan Doyle (COHSE Nursing Officer Walton Hospital)
Tony Clarke (COHSE Nursing Officer Burnley General Hospital)
Mike Murphy (COHSE Staff Nurse Oakwood Hospital Maidstone Branch 840)
Brendan Doyle,
COHSE Officers,
Garry Shaw,
Tony Clarke
Maud Wiese
Maud Wiese was the first women National Executive Member of the National Asylum Workers Union.
She was elected to the General Nursing Council (now NMC) in 1922 and fought for the rights and professionalism of mental health nurses, also arguing against high fees for exams which won her many enemies amongst the entrenched interest's, including the College of Nursing. Later she was assistant Matron at Bexley mental hospital and previously head nurse at Claybury hospital 1924
Maud Eve Wiese - NMC member and first
National Asylum Workers Union woman NEC member
Banstead & Claybury Hospital's
(A record of a death of a Maude Eve Wiese at 16 Suffolk Street, Whitstable, Kent, (Spinster) 14th August 1973.
Stood for Whitstable Council (as a retired Matron) in 1948 seen a link stating she was possibly living at The Shanty,” Seasalter Beach,
A record of a Maud Eve Wiese being born in Battersea in 1889
COHSE Fleet Street Nurses Chapel
COHSE Fleet Street Nurses Chapel in action 1970
COHSE Fleet street nurses branch Irene Aitken (Left)
Aileen Flood COHSE Fleet Street nurses branch
Norah Fitzgerald nursing sister at News of the World Newspaper
The famous COHSE Fleet Street Nurses branch was established in 1967. Most newspapers in Fleet Street had their own medical departments. the Daily Mirror's for example was at Holborn circus employing eleven industrial nurses all registered nurses and all COHSE members.
In common with their colleagues in carious printing unions they belonging to a "Chapel", This is the traditional name given by print unions to the unit within a given company which deals with on the spot trade union matters affecting members.
The COHSE Fleet street Nurses had their own Chapel, and this, like other Chapel's in the organisation was affiliated to the Federated House Chapel. The FHC protected the interests of all trade unions within the company which ever craft, trade or occupation they were employed in.
Irene Aitken was union officer for the nurses
"We are 100 per cent COHSE Chapel, a strong chapel. we negotiate directly with the management on matters affecting our members. we can call on the Federated House Chapel for support if necessary. We are increasing our strength as nurses in COHSE by forming a Fleet street branch of COHSE"
The COHSE Fleet street nurses branch covered members at the Daily Mirror, News of the World and a number of other newspapers in Fleet street.
Industrial nursing was still a relatively new area of the nursing profession
Mrs Aitken said
"It will be the policy of our branch to bring home to the printing employers the necessity of recognising that ours is a profession (Industrial nursing), and that we are engaged in a vital occupation within the industry. This should be recognised by salaries and conditions which raise us to the status we deserve"
The Daily Mirror Medical Chapel successes and experience was the basis for the new COHSE Fleet Street nurses branch.
Miners Support NHS Workers 1982
COHSE nurses march with South Wales Miners in Cardiff 16th June 1982
33 South Wales went on strike in support of NHS workers 12% pay claim
On June 8th 50,000 on strike to support NHS workers in solidarity in Midlands and Yorkshire
Scottish miners strike in solidarity 23 June 1982
June NHS pay marches in Birmingham 3,000, 3,000 in Bristol, 700 i Leicester, 400 Wolverhampton, 500 Hackney, 500 Islington, Dundee, Paisley, Carlisle, Liverpool, West Yorkshire, Middlesborough, Nottingham, Aylesbury, Newry, Derry
Many miners went on strike again on the National TUC Day of Action for NHS Pay on 22 September 1982
12% pay campaign,
COHSE Nurses,
COHSE Wales,
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Norren Baker - Nottingham COHSE
Noreen Baker COHSE Branch Secretary Nottingham South branch 1241, outspoken advocate for the NHS issues and the importance of NHS sexual health services
Regular speaker at COHSE conference, progressive views and infectious laughter
Elected to Bulwell East ward for Nottingham City Council in 1991 as a Labour councillor, she became an Honorary Alderman in May 1997 and was appointed Lady Mayoress in 1998.
passed away on 5 January aged 84 years.
Norren Baker November 1929 - January 2014
Regular speaker at COHSE conference, progressive views and infectious laughter
Elected to Bulwell East ward for Nottingham City Council in 1991 as a Labour councillor, she became an Honorary Alderman in May 1997 and was appointed Lady Mayoress in 1998.
passed away on 5 January aged 84 years.
Norren Baker November 1929 - January 2014
Reading & Dist 607 COHSE Banner
Reading COHSE banner at Tolpuddle 1981
Councillor Roy Oliver, Reading & District 607 COHSE branch secretary and COHSE NEC member (left)
Joan Hall - Salford Ladywell Hospital COHSE
Well respected and progressive, Joan Hall, staff nurse, COHSE Branch secretary Ladywell Hospital 327 branch, Salford.
Labour Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor (Langworthy and Seedly) later NPC Pensioners champion.
Etwall Hospital Occupation - Work-In Dec 1979 - March 1980
The decision to close Etwall hospital (Derbyshire) was resisted by COHSE and the Etwall Community Action Group who in December 1979 occupied the hospital and set up a work-in. The work-in was ended in December 1980
Click to enlarge article
COHSE Lincoln Nurses elected to Lincoln City Council 1980
Ralph Toofnay was a Mauritian psychiatric nurses in Lincoln and was elected in May 1980 as a Labour councillor along with long term Councillor, County Councillor and COHSE Lincoln Public Health branch secretary nurse, Nora Baldock and John Plant also a nurse in May 1980
Ralph Toofnay was one of the first Mauritians elected into office in the UK.
Mayor of Lincoln 1992

Nora Baldock Public health nurse and Lincoln councillor and Lincolnshire County Councillor
(COHSE Branch secretary Lincoln Public Health Branch)
Nora Baldock. Ralph Toofnay
COHSE - Purdysburn Hospital
COHSE - Purdysburn Hospital, Belfast 1981
One of COHSE's most active and highly influential branches
COHSE Branch Secretary later Regional Secretary Jimmy O'Reilly (front) and a young David Picking
click on photo to enlarge
One of COHSE's most active and highly influential branches
COHSE Branch Secretary later Regional Secretary Jimmy O'Reilly (front) and a young David Picking
click on photo to enlarge
Hammersmith Hospital - COHSE Cleaners 1984
Hammersmith Hospital cleaners on strike against pay cuts and privatisation 1984
(photo includes a shy sun glass wearing newly appointed Regional Officer Pete Marshall)
Hillingdon hospital Red COHSE banner in the middle
Confederation of Health Service Employees
Hillingdon & District 618
COHSE Branch Banners
COHSE High Wycombe supporting Kent Miners 1984
COHSE Bangour Branch 1980
COHSE York (Fulford) 1980

Bangour COHSE Banner 1988

Sherborne COHSE banner Tolpuddle 1981

Reading & Dist COHSE at Tolpuddle 1981

COHSE Cornwall banner 1979
Airedale and Wakefield COHSE banners at Hammersmith hospital 1994
Putney & Roehampton COHSE 1988
COHSE Norwich banner 1988
Hackney COHSE Banner 1984

Bangour COHSE Banner 1988

Sherborne COHSE banner Tolpuddle 1981

Reading & Dist COHSE at Tolpuddle 1981

COHSE Cornwall banner 1979
COHSE Guildford & Dist banner1333 1982
COHSE Guildford banner 1978
Morpeth COHSE Banner 1972
Addenbrookes COHSE Banner 1984
COHSE Brent Branch (Central Middx Hospital) Banner 1982
COHSE Branch Banner 1210 ???
Aberbeeg Hospital Wales COHSE Branch Banner 1984
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