Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monday, March 14, 2022

Joyce Conway - Greenwich COHSE


COHSE and Unison Branch Secretary

Brook and Greenwich District Hospital ,later Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Greenwich)

Joyce Helen Conway MBE

7th August 1932 - 17th August 2008

Service of Rememberance

Eltham crematorium (Falconwood) 1st September 2008

"a great friend of young activists especially student nurses & midwives"

Friday, March 11, 2022

Charles Harris NUCO - COHSE Officer


General Secretary statement 1949
Charles Harris - NUCO COJSE Nursing 

COHSE Student demonstration 15th August 1948

COHSE demonstration to Hyde Park
20,000 marched
COHSE demand £5 minimum wage and 40 hour week

Sunday 15th August 1948

COHSE now UNISON Student Nurses


Charles A Foreman - COHSE Darenth Park


Mr Charles  A Foreman - Chairman -  Darenth Parish Council  - Kent

Darenth Park Hospital  MHIWU and COHSE

Stoke Park Labour Party


Rev Stanley Morgan

Died 1948

Student Nurses - COHSE Conference 1947

J Gue - Claybury Hospital branch had 424 COHSE members (nearly 100%)

student nurses pay - threat to strike or resign

mental health nurses

Cupar Asylum (Stratheden Mental Hospital) Fife - National Asylum Workers Union

 Cupar Asylum (Stratheden Mental Hospital) Fife

National Asylum Workers Union
later COHSE now UNISON

Branch established between January - March 1919

Official union recognition August 1919

First Union branch secretary NAWU - Mr T Melrose died 1946

Friday, February 11, 2022

Miss K.M. Willis - Assistant Matron Caterham LCC Mental Hospital

 Miss K.M. Willis - Assistant Matron Caterham LCC Mental Hospital

(St Lawrence's)

Started at Caterham 1916

MHIWU National Executive Committee member

Athlone Committee

General Nursing Council member for twenty years

Chair of GNC Mental Health Committee 1942

"always had the student nurses interest at heart"


Retired 1950

Caterham nurses 1927

Friern Barnet COHSE Nurses 1945 Fighting Rushcliffe

 Radical Nurses

Forgotten History

Sister L. Easty - Friern Hospital (Barnet)
1930 - 1957
COHSE Guild of Nurses Nursing Rep
Led COHSE nurses at the hospital to refuse to work 24 hours unpaid overtime in 1945
"Which resulted in the Rushcliffe recommendations being discontinued"

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

UK Nurses Strike 1974 - COHSE

1974 Nurses Strike

8 May 1974

Eleven COHSE nurses at Storthes Hall Hospital, Huddersfield, strike for one hour
Three wards closed.

For the first time, nurses have taken industrial action — 'The possibility', (said the Guardian of 13 May) of strikes by nurses is real for the first time'

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Royal College of Nursing - Oppose Nursing Trade Unionism


British Nursing Journal January 1920

Maude McCallum Nurses & Trade Unions 1921


Maude McCallum
Monthly notes - Poor Law Workers Trade Union 
Guild of Nurses
later COHSE

Brentford Nursing Students Fight 1921

 Brentford Nursing Students Fight 1921

Poor Law Workers Trade Union (later COHSE)
Guild of Nurses

Maude MacCallum Professional Union of Trained Nurses 1920 "Wake up Nurses"

 Maude MacCallum Professional Union of Trained Nurses October 1920 "Unless we take the management of our own affairs into our own hands, we shall go on being tired and over worked "Wake up Nurses" and take a little interest in your own business"

PLWTU Journal

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Stockport Nurses - 100% Guild of Nurses Union 1920


Poor Law Workers Trade Union (Guild of Nurses)
 November 1920
(Later COHSE now Unison)