Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monday, March 14, 2022

Joyce Conway - Greenwich COHSE


COHSE and Unison Branch Secretary

Brook and Greenwich District Hospital ,later Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Greenwich)

Joyce Helen Conway MBE

7th August 1932 - 17th August 2008

Service of Rememberance

Eltham crematorium (Falconwood) 1st September 2008

"a great friend of young activists especially student nurses & midwives"

Friday, March 11, 2022

Charles Harris NUCO - COHSE Officer


General Secretary statement 1949
Charles Harris - NUCO COJSE Nursing 

COHSE Student demonstration 15th August 1948

COHSE demonstration to Hyde Park
20,000 marched
COHSE demand £5 minimum wage and 40 hour week

Sunday 15th August 1948

COHSE now UNISON Student Nurses


Charles A Foreman - COHSE Darenth Park


Mr Charles  A Foreman - Chairman -  Darenth Parish Council  - Kent

Darenth Park Hospital  MHIWU and COHSE

Stoke Park Labour Party


Rev Stanley Morgan

Died 1948

Student Nurses - COHSE Conference 1947

J Gue - Claybury Hospital branch had 424 COHSE members (nearly 100%)

student nurses pay - threat to strike or resign

mental health nurses

Cupar Asylum (Stratheden Mental Hospital) Fife - National Asylum Workers Union

 Cupar Asylum (Stratheden Mental Hospital) Fife

National Asylum Workers Union
later COHSE now UNISON

Branch established between January - March 1919

Official union recognition August 1919

First Union branch secretary NAWU - Mr T Melrose died 1946