Tuesday, June 07, 2016

COHSE Sponsored MP's

Angela Eagle MP

John Cronin MP

Allan Rogers MP

Joan Walley MP and Mo Mowlan MP (with the General Secretary and a non sponsored MP)

COHSE staff and members who became MP's include George Gibson, Charlotte Atkins, James Devine, Stephen Pound, Anne Picking (Moffat),

Mallinson - Dunn Ambulance Trophy 1991

Mallinson-Dunn Ambulance trophy 1991 Bob Abberley

Trophy named after Terry Mallinson - National Officer and Bill Dunn NEC Member

And Bob Abberley at Guildford Rally in 1982

COHSE Editor Journal 1992

Helen Findlay took over from Rowena Chapman in 1992 as Editor of the COHSE Journal

and previous to Rowena Chapman was Mark Crail

COHSE Region 8 Trophy 1992

Brian Lynch awarding the Region 8 South Thames & Wessex Region campaign trophy 1992 to nurse Jan Hambleton Deal & Dover District COHSE Branch (established 1988) at
Dover Buckland Hospital

Regional Secretary John Jaggon, 
Ernie Brook
Simon Bolton, Mick Brade, Brian Lynch

63 Victoria Road, Aldershort, Hampshire

also a Gravesend Office