Friday, January 24, 2014

COHSE London Region - National COHSE conference 1990
 COHSE London Region - National COHSE conference circa 1991
 Click on photo to enlarge

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Spain - Nurses Arrested at No10 - 1939

While nurses from Spain distributed leaflets at the entrance to Downing street on 30 January 1939 declaring Neville Chamberlain was responsible for the deaths of men, women and children in Spain.

Two nurses walked up to No 10 and threw red paint over the doorway

The paint was intended to be symbolical of the blood spilt in Spain.

The women were nurses who recently returned from service with the Spanish Republican Forces, one of them Angela Guest is particularly well known for her work, and the other is Eileen Palmer. Both were arrested

The leaflets said
"Chamberlain is guilty of blood that has flown in Spian for two anfd a half years, because the legal Spanish Government has been deprived of the right to buy arms to defend itself against foreign intervention

We British nurses who have served in Spain demand that Spain be given back her right to defend herself. Open the frontier ! send arms to Spain! Save Spain!, Save Britain ! Save Peace !

The nurses shouted "Arms for Spain" as they threw the paint later appeared in Bow Street police Court charged with "insulting behavior" which was later withdrawn , however they were bound over for six months and ordered to pay  5 shillings damages

Friday, January 10, 2014

Nurses Strike 1988 - COHSE Nurses

London COHSE Nurses on strike 1988