Confederation of Health Service Employees
Cymru - Wales
Region 10
National Asylum Workers Union
National Union of County Officers
UK National Executive Committee Members elected from Wales, No 10 Region
NAWU19?? - 1928 M. JOYCE (Bridgend)
NAWU1928 - 1946 TOMMY G WESTCOTT (Bridgend)
NUCO19?? - 1946 SYDNEY MITCHELL (Rhondda)
COHSE1946 - 1949 TOMMY G WESTCOTT (Bridgend)
COHSE1949 - 1959 J.O. LEWIS (Bridgend)
COHSE1959 - 1973 DAI HOPKINS (C.R.I.)
* Increase to two NEC members 1968
COHSE1968 - 1977 JACK CHARLES (Cefn Coed)
COHSE1973 - 1981 GERALD T DAVIES (Abergavenny)
COHSE1979 - 1980 BOB JOHN (Whitchurch)
COHSE1982 - 1990 JOHN VIDAL(Gwynedd)
COHSE1984 - 1990 BARBARA THYER(Rhondda)
COHSE 1991 - 1992 CATH JONES (Whitchurch)
COHSE 1991 - PAT DWAN (Cefn Coed)
COHSE 1992 - LLENOIS PHILLIPS (East Glamorgan)
COHSE Chair Wales Regional Council 1945 - formation of Unison
1945-1948 W.J. Hussey (St Cadocs)
1949-1959 Councillor Sidney Mitchell (Rhondda)
1960-1969 Arthur Powell (Bridgend)
1970-1971 George Pyle (Aberbeeg)
1972 -1973 Gerald t Davies (Abergavenny)
1974-1984 Iori Davies (Whitchurch)
1985- 1986 Allan Couch (Cefn Coed)
1987- Glyn Graham (Gwynedd)
Councillor Sydney Mitchell (Rhondda) - Chairman
Dai Hopkins - Vice Chairman
NEC member - J. O Lewis (Bridgend)
Regional Secretary - F. Mc Carthy
A.C. Powell - Bridgend
G. Thomas - Bridgend
G. Pyle - Aberbeeg
L. J. Oakley - Royal Gwent
T.G. John - Whitchurch
G. Haylings -Pontypridd
A. Davies - Carmarthen
I. Daniel - Carmarthen
J.W. Davies - Tredegar
P.G. Tiley - Abergavenny
D. Weaver - Abergavenny
P.Palmer - Ely Lodge
F.S. Tudball - Hensol Castle
E.G. Read - Mount Pleasant
J. Perry - Hill House
D. B. Davies - Cefn Coed
C. Neville - Aberystwyth
P. Powell- Chepstow
T.P Reardon - Talgarth
A.W Green Royal Gwent
T.G Westcott Bridgend Officers & Sub Officers
H. J Stonelake Porth
A.E. Lewis - Talgarth
A.E. Davies St Davids (Cardiff)
G Pyle - Aberbeeg
T. O'Neil - Mounton
COHSE Executive Regional Executive Powell, Haylings and Pyle and officers
Membership COHSE Wales January 1954 2,622
COHSE Regional Office
Merthyr Chambers
50 High Street
Merthyr Tydfil
C. F Cromer COHSE General Secretary retired in 1953, Mr J. T Waite was elected general secretary.
Retirement of long standing and respected branch secretary at Cardiff Royal infirmary Mr E. Baker awarded with life membership.
Pontypridd branch resolution calling for a TB allowance Carried.
Problem with new Matron at Porth Hospitals, student nurses complaining about her rule.
Regrading claims won included, nurses, clerical staff, hospital stokers (heating), bakers and farm Labourers to head pigman (NHS psychiatric hospitals often had attached farms for therapy and food for patients).
A number of cases of staff being forced to work excessive hours or on the wrong grades were reported.
The Region was concerned about the use of overseas NHS staff.
the Regional Secretary Mc Carthy stated
"There are still within the health services, a large number of employees, who are unorganised each and everyone of us have a responsibility in this direction, by example, and force of argueement we have to convince these employees that it is in their interest to organise within a specialist trade union and that union is COHSE".
membership in the Region increased by 67 in the year.
The Regional secretary reported that as a union official he had in 1955 carried out the following duties.
509 visits to COHSE union branches
68 meetings with hospital management
Undertaken 13 appeals
Attended 12 regional union meetings
Recruitment in Ebbw Vale and North Monmouthshire was being carried out by G Pyle, COHSE District Secretary.
L. W. Oakley at Royal Gwent Hospital had retired as COHSE Branch secretary in 1955
New branch of COHSE established at Pension Hospital, Chepstow, Monmouthsire. This was due to the efforts of the long established branch secretary P. Powell at Chepstow branch.
The biggest increases in COHSE membership had occured at Cardiff Royal Infirmary (CRI), Aberbeeg Pontypridd.
Overseas guests at October 1955 Regional Council were
Mr N.C.A Thompson Exchange manger and Mr C.H.K Brown Gold Coast Personnel officer Ministry Labour
Mer Wong Siew Wai Malaya Labour Officer and Mr Loke Wing San Asst Comm for Labour officer
P G Tiley Abergavenny
D R Watkin Bridgend officer
A. E Lewis Talgarth
W. D Davies Ely
D B Davies Cefn Coed
P Powell Chepstow
D. L. Williams Talgarth
It was reported that discussions were being held with NUPE at a national level
COHSE branches were demanding in 1956
A 44hr week for nurses
6 weeks holiday
Seperate council for mental health nurses
Increase in salary for NHS staff
Enhanced overtime
COHSE branches were actively discussion banning overtime and working to rule strikes in furtherance of their claim for a 44hr week and substantial pay rise for nurses.
It was reported at may 1956 regional council of COHSE Wales that staff in the laundry departments (Tredegar COHSE branch) were demanding that staff who operated steam iron presses should secure an enhanced or plus rate of 3d per hour The region agreed .
Council noted that T.G. Westcott (Tommy G Westcott - Bridgend - national asylum workers union) was due to retire after long service to COHSE/NAWU and the NHS.
COHSE had secured the re instatement of nurse Mrs M. Wakely Blaina hospital .
Membership of COHSE increased by 173 in 1956 in Wales
COHSE reported supporting NHS Tailors, ambulance members working for the Red Cross
the winners of the 1956 COHSE Christmas Draw included
Sister Walstead, MOP Hospital Chepstow
E Jaynes, 5 Buller Terrace Tredgar
Sister Nancy Jones F1 ward St Davids, Carmarthen
At theDecember 1956 it was reported that Mr I Adams, Brigend (Mental) hospital branch ex regional council member had died
Dai Hopkins (CRI) loses vote for Vice Chair to A. C Powell (Bridgend)
A. C. Vine - Mounton Chepstow
D. R Watkin - Bridgend Officer
E Williams - Cardiff Royal infirmary (CRI)
N A D Bosanko - Hensol Castle
J Edwards - Ely
E W Jones - Bridgend
J Perry - Hill House
D Weaver - Abergavenny
T.E. Selkirk - Mounton Chpstow
G Goodwin - Brecon
K. Evans - Bridgend
H. J Stonelake - Porth
A. Davies - Llwynypia
E. G Read - Mount Pleasant
A W Green - Royal Gwent Hospital
Dai Hopkins - CRI
D. R Watkins - Bridgend officers
G Stephens - Abergavenny
I Daniels - Camarthen
E W Jones - Bridgend
A. E Lewis - Talgarth
T.G John - Whitchurch
G Pyle - Aberbeeg
It was reported that the COHSE national ban on overtime in furtherance of reduced hours and improved pay had been 100% effective in Wales, the branch that had carried out the selective action being Bridgend from 1st until 28th September 1956
A 46 hour week for NHS ancillary workers was introduced 1st October 1957 down to 44 in july 1958
April 1957 it was reported that Mr F. McCarthy, was to be the sole regional secretary for COHSE Wales No 10 Region, previously he had combined the role with regional secretary for South west No 7 region. The new regional secretary in the South west was Mr Tiley.
It was reported that Alderman Sydney Mitchell OBE was now President elect for 1958 Welsh regional council of Labour (Labour Party).
COHSE was conducting recruiting at Rookwood Hospital and a new COHSE union branch at Brecon Hospital (Powys) branch had been established.
Wales COHSE Union Branches 1957
Ely Lodge (Cardiff)
Hill House
Pontypridd Hospital
Mount Pleasant
Amman Valley
Cardiff Royal Infirmary
Cefn Coed
Hensol Castle
East Glamorgan
Llwynypia Hospital
Porth Hospital
St David's Hospital
Cefn Coed Officers & Sub Officers
Swansea Central
Mounton (Pension) Chepstow
Bridgend Officers & sub officers
Tredegar Hospital
Abeerbeeg Hospital
Royal Gwent Hospital
Pontypool Hospital
1957 COHSE union Wales membership 2,898 in 16 branches
It was reported that a national ballot of (mainly nurses) in mental hospitals and mental deficiency hospitals(mentally handicapped) had resulted.
In favour of a national ban on overtime 11,126
against 2,995
Cefn Coed branch had written to branches in the region urging support for Rainhill Hospital (Lancashire) "sit down strike" in support of improved pay and reduced hours for nurses.
Issues for local branches included hospital accomodation rent rises and imposing of new rotas, such as at Blaina.
A big recruitment campaign was in place at St Woolas, and Royal Gwent hospital
Delegete from Hensol Castle Mr Bosanko Hensol Castle
membership 2,898 16 branches
New COHSE Branch Secretary at the newly formed COHSE union branch at Brecon hospital, Councillor G. Goodwin.
New COHSE hospital union Branches at
Shepton Mallett 1954
Bristol United 1954
Chepstow Pensions (Mounton) 1955
Stapleton General 1955
Royal Devon Exeter 1955
Brecon 1957